Friday, June 04, 2010
By Ioana Andreea
M-am amuzat prea tare ca sa nu fac asta si nu puteam pe myspace ca poate vedea nebunul si venea in Romania si ma sechestra sa-i fac mancare.
hey cuti
how are you ?
i am hamood ( single gentle man )from UAE (aici deja mi-am dat seama spre unde tinde discutia) , i have 32y (pedofilule), 170 cm (serios??), 80 k , bronze color , black hair , hazel eyes , i am a lawer in my country and have a high degree in law ...(pai era cam de la sine inteles ca ai terminat o facultate daca esti avocat)
usually i come to romania many times in the year , because i find myself just there (tu esti peste, mai, recunoaste!) and i wish to have my girl just there (sigur, cate una in fiecare tara,nu? rau ti-o fi) and i consider romania my second country ,,, and also i know little of romanian language :)
i like swimming , reading , writing , travelling ..... i am loyal (foarte frumos ca ai inceput cu asta, dar daca ai mai multe sotii nu cred ca se poate spune ca esti chiar loial), clever , honest , funny and optomistic .(mai sa fie! Tu esti barbatul ideal, ce sa mai!)
and when i find my girl :
- i keep her inside my eyes and take care of her with every thing i can .(adica ii pui valul si o inchizi in casa)
- i treat her very well , and do my best to make her happy with me .
- i help her when she need some thing , and she won't to think about a job if i am her lover . (da' de cratite de ce nu zici nimic? mincinos mic ce esti!!)
so sweety , i liked u here after checking ur profile and wishing that u be my girl , and after what i wrote above if u like it just write to me ur mobile number and ur ID in yahoo to chat there and let u see me in webcam ,, and if u don't like it i will be sorry for disturbing u ... (mai stiu ca asta n-are nicio tenta kinky, dar mie asa mi s-a parut. daca ma placi, o sa-ti arat webcamul meu. si ce-o sa-mi arati la webcam, nebunule??)
and if u answered me and every thing was ok between us , i will come to romania very very soon to meet u and to stay to gether in the mountains ( bv or siniaia ) to let each one know the another very well , and also to have fun together with advantures :)
just take care about urself and don't forget to answer me .
Imi pare rau hamood. Femeia romanesti este proaste si nu stiu sa aprecieze barbat bun ca tine.
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